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Endowing Your Gifts

Endowing Your Gifts

Hansard Scholarshi[An endowed gift to Lincoln Memorial University is intended to permanently support a program chosen by the donor. Endowment assets are invested. 每年, a portion of the value is paid out to support the fund's purpose, and any earnings in excess of this distribution (4% of a three year moving average) are used to build the fund's market value. In this way, an endowment fund can grow and provide support for its designated purpose in perpetuity.

Benefits of Endowed Gifts

Endowments provide LMU with long-term flexibility and allow the creation and continuation of excellence by providing funds for scholarships, professorships, academic chairs and other programs that are essential in student and faculty recruitment and retention. The most rewarding element of establishing an endowment is that it allows the donor to accomplish philanthropic goals while assisting the University in funding initiatives. Some reasons for creating a named endowment include: supporting academic excellence, honoring a family member or colleague in a meaningful way, memorializing a person with a living legacy and of course, tax savings and other financial benefits.

Creating an Endowment

The gift(s) for endowment purposes can be cash, a gift by will, a charitable trust or life income plan, retirement plan assets or an insurance policy. Gifts may be given outright or pledged over a number of years, and additional funds can be added beyond the initial funding level at any time.

Endowment Funding Levels

Academic Chair $1,000,000
Professorship $500,000
Scholarship $50,000
Program Support Fund $25,000

"All my university years...来了
through the generosity of others."
- James Still

Phone: 423.869.7072 or 800.325.0900年,ext. 7072

University Advancement
Lincoln Memorial University
Cumberland Gap Parkway
P.O. 2005箱
Harrogate, TN 37752

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