


"A law school shall establish and publish learning outcomes that shall, 至少, 包括在学校的能力:

The LMU法律 School faculty has adopted the following learning outcomes:

(1)对实体和程序的认识和理解 法律[302 (a)]

Upon graduation, students will have demonstrated achievement of this outcome by:

目标1 识别, 描述, 解释基本术语, 规则, 民事诉讼中的法律原则, 侵权行为, 合同, 财产, 刑法, 宪法刑事诉讼程序, 证据, 宪法, 职业责任, 遗嘱, 信托及遗产, 商业组织, 国内关系, 法律冲突, 安全的交易, and other areas of substantive and procedural law within any elective, 非技巧性课程.

目标2 识别 and distinguishing the sources of law governing each major content area and recognizing the relationship of these sources of law to each other.


Upon graduation, students will have demonstrated achievement of this outcome by:

目标1 Recognizing the legal issues implicated by case-based or hypothetical fact scenarios.

目标2 Applying relevant legal 规则 and principles to case-based or hypothetical fact scenarios.

目标3 Using both law and facts to resolve the legal issues implicated by case-based or hypothetical fact scenarios.


Upon graduation, students will have demonstrated achievement of this outcome by:

目标1 识别和评估权威的重要性.

目标2 Displaying knowledge of the fundamental tools of 法律研究.

目标3 Developing and executing an effective and efficient research strategy.


Upon graduation, students will have demonstrated achievement of this outcome by:

目标1 用清晰的语言说话, 简洁的, 逻辑, 组织良好的, professional manner that is appropriate to the audience and the relevant legal context.

目标2 用清晰的书写, 简洁的, 逻辑, 组织良好的, professional manner that is appropriate to the audience and the relevant legal context.

(5) 职业责任, Ethics, and Diversity Awareness [302(c), 302(d)]

Upon graduation, students will have demonstrated achievement of this outcome by:

目标1 表现出律师应有的品质, 比如勤奋, 完整性, 参与社区和专业.

目标2 Using knowledge of both the 规则 of professional responsibility and the skills of the legal profession to conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner.

目标3 Expressing awareness of the impact of the legal system on diverse populations, 比如不同性别的人, 种族和民族群体, 社会经济阶层.

目标4 服务社会, including rendering meaningful law-related services to persons of limited means or to organizations serving such persons.


Upon graduation, students will have demonstrated achievement of this outcome by:

目标1 展示一个有效的倡导者的技巧, 比如谈判, 协作, 审判实践中, 以及上诉实践.

目标2 识别 and effectively engaging in both formal and informal dispute resolution processes.

目标3 Drafting, revising, and interpreting documents used in legal practice.

目标4 Displaying knowledge of the skills and responsibilities essential to solo and small firm legal practice, 比如商业计划, 办公室管理, 并建立和维护客户信托账户.